Friday, January 29, 2010

A Perfect Friend

Do you have a friend that is the same sex as you and is almost perfect or really perfect.
Do you compare yourself with the prefect friend you have?

Yes, i have.

Admiration and Jealousy.

Everybody will be talking or asking about him.
He's always have the wisest choice,
By giving advice to you whenever you are having trouble or,
even teaching you.
He even have change some people from bad to good.
He even have the looks.

I have never heard people talk bad about him.
He's just too perfect.

Well, i talk shits, curse, and such.
Sometime, i even thought of changing but i felt it's isn't me.
When i'm being me, people have bad perception about me.
Lost.. Don't know what to do.

But i'm still lucky to have a friend like you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No Regrets Afterall

It's been almost a year since i entered college.
I'm currently in semester 3.

In the beginning of college, i have some difficulties making friends.
Due that most of them are mandarin educated, so they speak mandarin a lot.
Compare to me, i am english educated.
So, it's pretty difficult for me to communicate with them.

During my school days, i don't give a damn about my mandarin class.
I really hate mandarin, seriously.
It's because their words is so complicated. Strokes here, strokes there.
Makes me go Crazy, yo!

From since semester 1, I have never went out with my college friends to watch movie till when i meet Shue Yin, Janet, Vivian, Yong Jee, Nic, Cj, Zi Han and others in semester 3. (sorry if i miss any of you)

They accepted me even we have difficulties communicating to each other. They teach me mandarin, and i teach them cantonese and english. So, we're learning from each other every time we talk.

Before meeting them, i always feel regretted taking this course due to no friends that makes my life so boring and also feeling very demotivated to continue this course.
But thanks to you guys, you all change my bad perception to a better one.

Once again, thank you so much all =D

Monday, January 25, 2010

Doesn't even exist

Define the word FOREVER.
was it everlasting?

I don't think the word forever even exist because it won't last.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What am i doing?

After all you had done.
Lying, breaking promises and such.
I'm always still missing you.

I regretted that i suggest to break all contacts.
I wanted to apologize and jst be friends.
A friend to help her with her problems.
But, i couldn't say it to her.
Everytime i look at her profile, blog or just her.
I just have this hatred towards her automatically.

Seriously, i really want to help u with your problems.
Sorry that now i couldn't face you and tell you that anymore.
We're just nobody to each other now.

The past stay as memories,
Memories to be kept,
As treasure.

I'm glad that i have a friend that understands me too.
Since he have experience it before.

I'm not gona delete this blog since this blog has been following me for so long.
This blog contains so much memories with my friends and problems.
Deleting it, it's like running away from problems.
You taught me not to run away from problems, but you're doing it.
No matter what, fact will always be a fact. It's time to face it.

Need to change background and such for the blog.
But due that i have not blog for so long,
i've forgotten how to change it and such.
Mind to help me out somebody?